Crop diversification in upland mainly from Rice to non-rice crop
Reclamation of acidic soil
Soil test-based fertilizer application
Increasing Seed Replacement Rate (SRR)
Variety replacement in lowland rice
Water management in flood and cyclone-prone areas
Farm mechanization in agriculture
Promotion of Integrated Crop management practices (INM, IPM, IDM and IWM)
Promotion of organic farming and natural farming
Construction or renovation of WHS, farm pond and repair LI points
Minimize the post-harvest losses
Financial and technical support to the poor farmers
Value addition in seasonal fruits and vegetables
Entrepreneurship development in Poultry, Duckery, Pisciculture, Goatary, Dairy, Apiary and Mushroom
Establishment of market yard and market linkage
Strengthening Farmer Producer Company(FPO)