Sl. No |
Farming Systems |
1 |
Rice- Maize-Pulses |
2 |
Rice-Rice |
3 |
Maize-Maize |
4 |
Rice-pulse (Green gram, Black gram) |
5 |
Vegetable- Vegetable (Kharif tomato, radish, Cauliflower-Vegetables) |
6 |
Millets- Fallow |
7 |
Rice-Vegetables (Solanaceae, Cole crops and cucurbits) |
8 |
Maize/Sugarcane - Vegetables |
9 |
Floriculture –Vegetable |
10 |
Rice-Groundnut |
11 |
Groundnut-Fallow |
12 |
Rice + Vegetable + Fishery +Duckery |
13 |
Mango + Vegetables (Ginger and turmeric) |
14 |
Agriculture-horticulture –mushroom- Poultry |